Grandmaster Tu was invited to Russia to teach Iron Crotch Private Lesson
Posted on 28 November 2013.
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Posted on 04 June 2013.
The 3rd Annual Golden Dragon Cup
Posted in Articles, Iron Crotch, Photos, UpdatesComments Off on The 3rd Annual Golden Dragon Cup and Iron Crotch Performance
Posted on 16 November 2012.
99 Power Qi Gong held is First Qi Gong/Iron Crotch Competition in Los Angeles. Students from all over American came here to be test for their hanging ability.
[Pictures from Left to Right]
First Row:
1. Mr. Chen –150 pound (Los Angeles,CA)
2. Mr. Thong- 150 pound (San Jose,CA)
3. Mr. Huang- 170 pound (Houston,TX)
Second Row:
4. Mr. Ling –120 pound (Houston, TX)
5. Mr. Zhong –100 pound (San Francisco, CA)
5. Mr. Guo –100 pound (Houstan, TX)
[Pictures from Left to Right]
First Row:
1. Mr. Tseng –200 pound (Dallas, TX)
2. Mr. Shu –210 pound (New York, NY)
3. Mr. Li –210 pound (Los Angeles, CA)
Second Row:
4. Mr. Chen –300 pound (Los Angeles, CA)
5. Mr. Nwei –350 pound (Los Angeles, CA)
6. Mr. Yin –400 pound (Los Angeles, CA)
The pictures below are testing students Dan Tian strength.
1. Gigi Oh –9 people weight (Fremont, CA)
2. Sandy –7 people weight (Fremont, CA)
3. Mr. Guo –7 people weight (Dallas, TX)
The pictures below are testing students throat strength
1. Cecilia –4 metal bars (Los Angeles, CA)
2. Mrs. Li –3 metal bars (Los Angeles, CA)
3. Lavinia –3 metal bars (Los Angeles, CA)
4. Dr. Dharam –8 metal bars (Los Angeles, CA)
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Posted on 16 November 2012.
The image above is a Medical Test Result of one of Grandmaster Tu’s student. He is 70 years old. Prior to learning Iron Crotch, his testosteron level was in the 350 zone which is very normal for men his age. As men get older their testosterone level will decrease with age. After practicing Iron Crotch for only a year, he returned for his annual check up with his doctor. His doctor was astound by the increase in his testosteron level. The average testosteron level of a man his age was about 350. But his testosterone level was 529 almost 600 which is consider quite high for someone his age. This shows that practicing Iron Crotch can increase your testosteron level even in elderly man.
Posted in Iron CrotchComments Off on Medical Test Results of a 70 year old Man’s Testosterone Levels
Posted on 17 November 2010.
Posted in Iron Crotch, VideosComments Off on Iron Crotch | Power Qigong Introduction Video
Posted on 12 July 2010.
MasterTu Qigong at Natioal Geographic channel
Grandmaster Tu is the only man on earth that has performed the stunt of a man pulling a jet plane with his penis. So far there is no one that has come to par with this level of power.
Posted in Iron Crotch, VideosComments Off on National Geographic: Iron Crotch |Power Qigong
Posted on 12 July 2010.
MasterTu`s student perform at Qigong Congress 2004.
Posted in Iron Crotch, VideosComments Off on Iron Crotch | Iron Penis | Penis Qigong
Posted on 17 June 2010.
Iron Crotch Instructional DVD:
You’ve heard the stories, now experience the reality! Iron Crotch is the most talked about ancient Chinese practice! Called Jiu Jiu Shen Gong (99 Power Practice) this ancient skill unleashes your untapped potential and allows you to achieve your peak performance! Grandmaster Tu’s students have lifted hundreds of pounds with their privates, even students in their 70s! Dramatically enhances your potency and helps with sexual response dysfunction or lack of interest in sex. Grandmaster Tu Jin-Sheng is a noted master of Qigong and Chinese medicine. He is recognized as a Professor in medical societies in Taiwan, Japan, Canada and the U.S.A. He is also a master painter and is renowned for his extraordinary feats of hard Kung Fu, such as breaking solid objects with his bare hands and lifting heavy weights with his private parts. (approx. 60 min) Disclaimer: This Iron Crotch video is for demonstration purposes only. These exercises should not be attempted without the supervision of a certified master of Jiu Jiu Shen Gong. The training tools are only for students currently practicing under such a master. 99eStore disclaims all liability from the use of this videotape.
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