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It’s getting colder! Strengthen your immune system with the Belly Moxibustion!

Designed by GrandMaster Tu.

This ancient art has been used for decades and still is working! Belly moxibustion can improve your asthma, cold, back pains, and helps weight loss. Improvements of the functions of the intestines, the stomach, the urinary system and insomnia. It can also nourish and beautify the skin. Includes a jade or agate ring which with heat, will produce infrared rays that recycle the body’s cells.

薰臍爐可將體質調整得較為溫熱, 不僅冬天不怕冷, 腸胃, 泌尿系統或失眠等問題也可一併改善. 薰臍爐也可以養顏美容, 薰臍療法的藥較為保溫, 溫補, 所以較適合秋冬保健用

Add moxa into the Belly Moxibustion, or use the Moxibustion tubes!

MoxiTubes are stuffed with moxa/mugwort herb; they are very effective for prevention of many diseases and conditions including back pain, muscle stiffness, headaches, migraines, tendonitis, arthritis, digestive disorders, anxiety, and female health problems such as menstrual cramps, irregular periods, and infertility. It induces circulation of blood and Qi flow.
Each set comes with 3 MoxiTubes.

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