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Now Offering 3-DAY Private Training with Grandmaster Tu in Los Angeles

We are happy to announce that we will be opening up our Private Training with Grandmaster Tu here at the Los Angeles Facility. We will be hosting two different type of 3-Day Private Training .

1) Meridian Exercise/Qigong 3-Day Training
2) Iron Crotch/Qigong 3-Day Training

All our Private Training Courses will include the following:


  • The course is personally taught by Master Tu Jinsheng.
  • A total of 8 hours of private training. There are 3 hours of private training each day, divided into 3 sessions.
  • All training tools will be provided.
  • This is a private course, an essential course for male health, and a foundational course necessary for those seeking to obtain Master Tu’s certified Iron Crotch training certificate.


Please be advised these private training spots will be limited and based on a first come first serve basis. We can only accommodate a limited number of participants a month. If you are interested in learning about our 3-day private training retreats please send us an email to [email protected] or call us for more information. 1-626-899-7819

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